October 29, 2019
Escaping Social Media Overwhelm: Connect with your customers where it matters
Let’s face it – engaging with your customers on social media can be overwhelming. Within each platform, there are ever-changing algorithms, ad formats and post types. Often, you feel more like you’re just trying to keep up with social rather than confidently engaging with your customers through it. You know you need a plan – but where do you begin?
Find out where your audience spends its time. It’s not necessary to be everywhere, so don’t exhaust yourself by posting across all social platforms. Chances are, your audience is spending the most time in one place. Different demographics spend time on different networks, so do your research. We found this recent report that shows demographic data across various platforms. You can also do some Google Analytics research to see which channels drive the most traffic to your website. Once you determine where your users are, focus your strategy there.
Tailor your content to each platform. After you figure out which platforms are most important, make sure to create content specifically for those platforms. Each social network has its own audience preferences. For example, Facebook users tend to consume more video, Instagram users care about the visual appeal of your content and Twitter and Snapchat users prefer timely micro-content.
Narrow your audience focus. Is expanding your customer list a main goal? If so, focus on educating people on the value of your product or service and advertise to a targeted audience. If encouraging existing customers to stay loyal to your brand is more important, connect with those customers on a personal level and develop content with them.
Stick with your plan, but recognize timely opportunities. Planned content is the most obvious way to ensure you stick to a social strategy, but social media can be advantageous when you see a timely opportunity. The beauty of technology like live videos or stories is that your social content doesn’t always have to be perfectly planned. You can connect with your audience in an instant by snapping a photo or short video about something happening right now.
At Red Letter, we focus on the customer journey as a whole and create social content around the stages where it makes the most sense – whether this is to educate, drive a user back to your website or encourage them to leave a review.
Social media doesn’t have to be overwhelming. A realistic plan and tailored content can make connecting with your audience much more achievable.
Learn more about what Red Letter can offer your business by contacting us.